eBook: The reincarnation of the assassin


The reincarnation of the assassin

by Doug McPhillips


The reincarnation of the assassin

by Doug McPhillips

This Book details the influence of Lucifer and his angels of death on the defects of the character of assassins throughout history. Assassinations have had a profound effect on the course of history, and this book reveals the capacity of killers of politicians, civil rights leaders and other movers and shakers of world affairs to cause chaos and wars; the author delves into the lives of great men, the services they provide to humanity and the dysfunctional behaviour of those against them who ultimately plot and murder for their cause or misguided belief. Each chapter has essays that include a gripping account of the assassination, its political context and consequences, and a biographical profile of both the victim and the killer. It covers the method and motivations behind each killing, from multiple stabbings to close-range shootings, to suicide bombings, aerial attacks with poisons, from catastrophic overthrows to religious fanatics to propaganda that encourage assassins to do the deed. This book offers dramatic and perceptive views on the history of assassinations from the first recorded biblical account to the latest in this 21st century.